brighton vintage wedding dresses
Photo Shoots At Brighton Vintage Wedding Dresses
Bridal Themed Photo Shoots We’ve Done
We have worked with several photographers requiring wedding dresses for bridal themed photo shoots.
Penny Young Photography
Recently we provided a wedding dress for ‘Penny Young Photography’ The project was a ‘Far From The Madding Crowd’ style wedding shoot at Sprivers Mansion, kent. Taken in the beautiful wild flower meadow at Sprivers – it is a stunning and very romantic location for wedding photos. “See the full story in the Autumn edition of A Kentish Ceremony”
Spent some time in the company of the lovely Heather from ‘Brighton Vintage Wedding Dresses” this afternoon. I was surrounded by so many gorgeous dresses, one of which Heather has kindly allowed us to use for our upcoming styled shoot. Cant wait! “
Penny Young

Paloma Murillo
We had a brilliant collaboration with the talented photographer Paloma Murillo of Worthing. Website:

Brighton and Hove High School
Brighton and Hove High School have an annual fashion show and Brighton Vintage Wedding Dresses supplied a range of bridal gowns. Images were taken by A level and GCSE photography students Eleanor Finlay Christensen and Alicia Phillips.
Paloma Murillo
A bridal fashion shoot in the grounds of the historic Michelham Priory near Hailsham in Sussex. Clara the model was beautiful and easy to work with. Annie of The Bridal Hair Company was spot on with the vintage styling. The dresses and shoes came from Brighton Vintage Wedding Dresses.
Photography by

“Perfect – a wonderful memory. You are allowed to consider without feeling pressured.
Very good range of dresses. Very special – thank you.”
Linda, Kent